Vintage Performance Rubber Products

Reproduction Rubber Motorcycle Parts
"Family owned and operated in the U.S.A. since 1992”
John Rodis- Owner
PH# 603 969 4550
"Proudly made in the U.S.A."
- Bultaco

- B1 ..... Fork wipers 35mm.....$36.00
- B2...... Fork wipers 38mm .....$42.00
- B3......Fork wipers 35mm 1976 onward... $36.00
- B4.....Exhaust coupling(Alpina,Sherpa T,Matador,Lobito)... $26.00
- B5 .....Speedometer support (nest) fits Alpina,Frontera,etc...$24.00
- B6.....Rubber lever covers .....$32.00
- B7.....Frontera tool box strap (with metal buckles).....$26.00
- B8.....Steering stops Rectangular.Fits Astro,early Pursang,Lobito ....$25.00
- B9....Vinal lever coversw/logo.....$32.00
- B10.....Chain tensioner pads (early style)...$20.00
- B11 .....Carb-Airbox boot-square Amal .....$47.00
- B12......Pursang carb -airbox boot Amal (conc.)..$47.00
- B13.....Hand grips ...$29.00
- B14.... Shift rubber (with thumbs up logo)...$18.00
- B15.....Shift rubber (flat) w/logo ....$20.00
- B16.....Kickstart rubber (with thumbs up logo)....$19.00
- B17.....Gas tank rubber rest (pr.).....$15.00
- B18.....Betor rear shock seals (11mm shaft dia.(.435 dia.shaft) .....$23.00
- B19.....Pursang,Astro,Frontera,Swing arm seals (2pc.)....$22.00
- B20....Metisse gas cap gasket (monza style)....$20.00
- B21.....Metrella gas cap gasket ....$20.00
- B22.....Pursang,Astro,Frontera exhaust washer....$18.00
- B23....Petcock rebuild kit (2pc) Mod-1 original petcock style...$23.00
- B24.....Foot pegs (Astro,Metrella)....$32.00
- B25 .....Mudflaps ....$32
- Husqvarna

- ·H1 .....Fork wipers,early pre-74(grey leg ) ......$36.00
- ·H2 Fork wipers,late post 74 (black leg).....$36.00
- · H3 Fork wipers,40mm Marzocchi...............$36.00
- · H4 Airbell ring.............................................$23.00
- · H5 Carb to airbox Bing...............................$28.00
- · H6 Shift rubber.............................................$18.00
- · H7 Rear fender straps (18mm) ....................$14.00
- · H8 Airbox and fender skirt strap (22mm)......$14.00
- ·H9 Carb to airbox Mikuni...............................$28.00
- ·H10 Kickstart rubber.....................................$18.00
- ·H11 Gas tank grommets (pr.).......................$22.00
- ·H12 Steering stops (pr.)..............................$25.00
- ·H13 Kick start bump..................................$14.00 ea.
- ·H14 Brake stay bushing (torque arm )...............$8.50 ea
- ·H15 Chain guide roller......................................$4.00 ea
- ·H16 Chain rub block ...........................................$20.00
- Ossa

- ·PH1 Phantom carb to airbox boot......... $28.00
- ·M.A.R.1 Ossa headlight strap........................$29.00 pr
- ·M.A.R.2 M.A.R. Speedo strap.......................$19.00
- ·M.A.R.3 M.A.R. Ossa tail light mount............$22.00

- Honda
- ·CR1......CR Mudflaps.....................................$32.00
- ·CR2.....CR 250 Carb to airbox (accordion)......$48.00
- ·CR3..... CR 125 carb to airbox boot ( large carb ) $48.00
- Kawasaki
- · KT1... KT-250 Trials Fork Wipers ....... $36.00
- Yamaha
- ·TY1,,,,,,, TY Trials Fork Wipers ........................... $36.00
- ·YZ1...... YZ and MX Motocross Fork Wipers..... $36.00
- Maico
- ·M1,,,,,,, Maico 42mm Fork Wipers ........................... $36.00
- Can Am

- · CA1....Betor Fork Wipers ....... $36.00
- ·CA2,,,,,, Carb to Airbox boot...........$48.00
- ·CA3,,,,,,Steering stops...................$20.00
- .CA4.....CA4 Kickstart Rubber $22.00
Located in “TAX FREE” Somersworth, NH.
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We will return an invoice or answer within 24business hours.
We currently accept Paypal!
PH# 603 969 4550